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CEO and Founder Katie Smythe Awarded Thomas W. Briggs Community Service Award

“Children can succeed when the arts are behind them, and the arts succeed when philanthropy is behind us.” – Katie Smythe, CEO and Founding Artistic Director, New Ballet Ensemble and School.

After a 17-year career as a professional dancer and arts educator, Katie Smythe returned to her native Memphis with a vision in mind. Smythe saw a need for a community dance program offering a high standard of dance training for children from every corner of the city, regardless of race, socioeconomic status, or ability to pay. She founded New Ballet Ensemble & School (NBES) based on that mission in 2002. 

Read more at the Thomas W. Briggs Foundation website.

Posted by Alena Thayer at September 30, 2020

New Ballet is open for classes Friday, Feb. 21.