Classes & Registration
Each year, New Ballet welcomes new and returning students alike to further their dance journey in a fun, educational environment. New students will attend a placement audition to ensure they find a class that is appropriate for their skill level. Returning students will be placed in classes by the Teaching Artists and Director. If you’re interested in enrolling your child in one of the following classes or want to take a tour of our studios, please contact or call 901-726-9225 for more information.
In addition to a ballet curriculum, students broaden their horizons through diverse dance forms, including West African dance, flamenco, modern, hip-hop, Memphis Jookin, and tap. The student experience is supplemented with holistic support through our Creative Youth Development program, which empowers students throughout the creative process.
Performance is an essential part of training dancers to a professional standard. Beginning in Ballet Level 1, students have the opportunity to perform in the annual NutRemix™ production alongside the Memphis Symphony Orchestra at the Cannon Center for the Performing Arts. Other mainstage student performances include the all-school Family Night at the Overton Park Shell, Springloaded, and SummerDance.
Please note that the age recommendations below are suggestions only. Class placement may vary based on when a child begins and how they progress.
Register today!
Important Information
The goal of New Ballet Ensemble & School’s scholarship program is to ensure that all children have access to excellent dance training, regardless of the ability to pay. Scholarships are awarded annually for study in the studios and made possible through generous contributions from individuals, foundations and corporations. All students in our Pathways at Shelby County Schools program participate tuition free.
Eligibility Requirements
Need-based scholarships are available on a sliding scale for families who qualify.
For more information about scholarships and how to apply please send an email to
All students are expected to attend each class session in which they are registered. Please complete the absence request form to record planned absences, late arrivals, early dismissals or to indicate any long-term absence related to COVID-19. We ask that you fill it out at least two weeks prior to your absence, if possible. This allows staff to properly plan rehearsals. Please note the following:
- Doctors’ notes for prolonged absences are accepted, making these excused.
- Dancers are allotted two religious and academic absences.
- All absences for ACT/SAT/ISEE testing are automatically excused with prior notice.
- Repeated unexcused absences and/or tardies prevent the fulfillment of a dancer’s goals. New Ballet offers a high standard of training with high expectations requiring each student’s time and attention. The teacher or program director may call a parent conference in the case of multiple missed classes. Please note that scholarships and progression are contingent upon attendance.
- If a dancer is more than 15 minutes late, they will not be allowed to participate in the class and will not be allowed to stay in the building.
For more information, please review the detailed School Attendance Policy in the Student Handbook. For questions concerning the schedule, please contact Kathy Coburn at
As classes continue, safety remains our top priority. We will continue to follow the CDC guidelines and seek best practice information relating to COVID-19 and its variants. We will continue to recommend that if your students exhibit any COVID-19 related symptoms, that you test them, keep them home, and communicate with us by using the absence form and by calling the studio 901-726-9225.
Currently, we have no restrictions for participating in New Ballet programming. If at any time you have questions, please contact us.
Early Childhood Classes
Creative movement
Recommended ages: 3-5
Our goal is to cultivate creativity from an early age by providing nurturing instruction in a safe and inspiring family oriented atmosphere. Creative Movement classes are based on the celebrated BrainDance by Anne Greene Gilbert, which aligns basic movement lessons with children’s brain development. Its playful approach incorporates nursery rhymes and free improvisation while also developing motor skills.
Please choose one of the following days: Saturday
View Class ScheduleMonday: 4:00 – 4:45 pm
Saturday: 9:15 – 10:00 am

Pre-Ballet 1 & 2
Recommended ages: 5-7
Pre-Ballet 1 & 2 is a natural progression for children progressing from Creative Movement and preparing for Ballet Level 1. Students work from basic positions while following the structure of ballet class. Instruction includes free movement and beginning center work (plié, tendu, skipping, chassé, gallop and ballet walks).
Free movement and “mapping the floor” are still important class components in Pre-Ballet, and class time is also devoted to beginning center work including plié, tendu, skipping, chasse, gallop and ballet walks. Students also learn basic French terminology of dance. Pre-Ballet 1 is for students who have never had Pre-Ballet; Pre-Ballet 2 is for second-year students who are still preparing for Level 1.
Please choose one of the following days: Wednesday or Saturday
View Class SchedulePre Ballet 1 Wednesday: 3:45 – 4:15 pm
Pre Ballet 1 Saturday: 10:45 – 11:30 am
Pre Ballet 2 Wednesday: 4:45 – 5:30pm

Ballet Level 1-7
New Ballet Ensemble & School embraces a healthy approach to fundamentals and the placement of the body. Students with varying body types benefit from our adherence to the American Ballet Theater Teacher Training and methodical progression into more advanced technique, leading to the development of strong dancers, healthy placement and physical well-being.
Ballet Level 1
Recommended ages: 6-8
Students are introduced to the basic principles of alignment and body placement, rhythmic steps, positions and French ballet terminology. Young dancers will continue to develop line and form in a measurable way.
Please choose one of the following days: Tuesday or Saturday
View Class ScheduleTuesday: 4:45 – 5:45 pm
Saturday: 9:30 – 10:30 am

Ballet Level 2
Recommended ages: 7-9
Students move to Ballet Level 2 based on their physical development and ability to perform the exercises in Ballet Level 1. In this class, they learn beginning center-floor barre exercises in alignment with American Ballet Theater Teacher Training. Small jumps begin at the barre followed by spotting exercises in preparation for turns. Students will also practice rhythmic jumps across the floor.
This class meets twice per week: Monday & Saturday
View Class ScheduleMonday: 4:15 – 5:30 pm
Saturday: 9:30 – 10:45 am

Ballet Level 3
Recommended ages: 8-10
Acceptance into Ballet Level 3 is based on a child’s development and mastery of the exercises in Ballet Level 2 or through a placement audition. Students at this level practice more turnout at the barre while increasing their knowledge of steps and taking on challenges as they are developmentally ready. Triplets, jumps and spotting exercises prepare students for more complex center exercises in later levels.
This class meets twice per week: Monday & Wednesday
View Class ScheduleMonday: 4:30 – 5:45 pm
Wednesday: 4:15 – 5:30 pm

Ballet Level 4
Recommended ages: 9-11
Ballet Level 4 consists of classical ballet classes during the week, Saturday sessions for NutRemix™ rehearsals in the first semester, and character dance training in the second semester. Core work strengthens the abdominals for higher jumps, more power and the faster footwork required of more advanced dancers. Normally, students will take two years of Ballet Level 4 before progressing to Ballet Level 5.
This class meets three times per week: Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday
The Level 4 Summer Intensive requires a supplemental tuition and is covered for those enrolled on scholarship.
View Class ScheduleTuesday: 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Thursday: 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Saturday: 10:15 – 11:30 am

Ballet Level 5
Recommended ages: 11-13
Students in Ballet Level 5 are prepared for greater challenges. Dancers begin learning “batterie” of the feet for jumps while beginning and/or continuing pointe work. All Ballet Level 5 students train in flamenco or character dance and have the opportunity to work with guest artists. Training in West African dance and hip-hop begins, leading to additional NutRemix™ performance opportunities.
This class meets four times per week: Monday, Wednesday (optional for Year 1), Thursday & Saturday
Summer Intensive is included in Level 5 annual tuition and scholarship award.
View Class ScheduleMonday: 5:45 – 7:45pm
Wednesday: 4:15- 5:45pm (optional for Year 1)
Thursday: 4:15 – 6:15 pm
Saturday: 11:45am – 1:15 pm Ballet 1:15 – 1:45 Pointe

Ballet Level 6
Recommended ages: 13-15
Ballet Level 6 dancers begin a rigorous schedule of classes and rehearsals. Horton technique, flamenco, and master classes with international artists are included at this level. There are increased performance opportunities in NutRemix™ and all mainstage productions for students in this level.
This class meets five times per week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday
Summer Intensive is included in Level 6 annual tuition and scholarship award.
View Class Schedule
Monday: 6:00 – 8:00 pm (Ballet and Pointe)
Tuesday: 6:00 – 7:00 pm (Hip hop)
Wednesday: 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Thursday: 6:15 – 8:15 pm
Saturday: 11:45 am – 1:15 pm; 1:15 – 1:45 pm (Pointe)

Ballet Level 7
Recommended ages: 16+
After many years of training, these dancers are ready for prominent roles in main stage and community performances. Opportunities include travel abroad, assisting younger students in classes and leadership positions on the Student Board. Dancers are eligible to apply for jobs as Teaching and Performing Artist Apprentice positions upon graduation.
This class meets five times per week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday
By invitation or audition, Ballet Level 7 requires a five-day commitment. Increased performance opportunities, Horton Technique, flamenco or hip-hop training and master classes with international artists are all included at this level.
Summer Intensive is included in Level 7 annual tuition and scholarship award.
Monday: 6:00 – 8:00 pm (Ballet and Pointe)
Tuesday: 6:00 – 7:00 pm (Hip hop)
Wednesday: 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Thursday: 6:15 – 8:15 pm
Saturday: 11:45 am – 1:15 pm; 1:15 – 1:45 pm (Pointe)

Individual Style Classes
Beginning Hip-Hop
Recommended ages: 6-9
Students learn the basics of hip-hop, discipline, isolated body placement and the origin of the genre all while learning rhythmic combinations to today’s music.
This class meets on: Monday
View Class Schedule
Monday: 5:30 – 6:15 pm

Intermediate Hip-Hop
Recommended ages: 10-12
This class is a natural progression from Beginning Hip-Hop and includes an annual Overton Park Shell performance.
This class meets on: Monday
View Class ScheduleMonday: 6:15 – 7:15 pm

Advanced Hip-Hop
Recommended ages: 12+
More experienced students of hip-hop continue refining their craft while partaking in various performances.
This class meets on: Tuesday
Read MoreTuesday: 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Beginning Tap Dance emphasizes clean technique, not choreography. It includes a tap barre, across-the-floor movements, and center-floor combinations. Students may enroll in
Intermediate Tap
This class focuses on more progressive techniques with emphasis on memorization of multiple combinations. Students should be able to make adjustments quickly and remember longer combinations of steps. Performance skills will be introduced in this class . Permission of teacher required for admission to Intermediate Tap.
Tap shoes are required for both levels.
Beginning Tap
This class meets on: Friday
Recommended for ages 8+
Intermediate Tap
This class meets on: Friday
Prior experience required
Friday: 4:15 – 5:15 pm (Intermediate)
Friday: 5:15 – 6:00 pm (Beginning)

West African Dance and Drumming
These classes combine modern and West African movement traditions with essential elements of dance and drumming. West African dance is a great class for both beginners and more experienced movers. Students will explore West African dance techniques and traditional rhythmic forms including KouKou, Joli, Sorsonet and Kassa. Students frequently join in the drumming as their interest grows. Bare feet are preferred.
Beginning West African Dance
Recommended ages: 7+
This class meets on: Friday
Advanced West African Dance
Recommended ages: 12+
This class meets on: Friday
View Class ScheduleFriday: 4:15 – 5:15 pm (Beginning)
Friday: 5:30 – 6:30 pm (Advanced)

Memphis Jookin
Recommended ages: 12+
Memphis Jookin is unique to the city’s culture and community. Originating in skating rinks in the 1980’s, it has evolved through the mentoring work of dancers such as Marico Flake and other great teachers. Jookin dancers learn and practice the basic elements before applying these skills to their own improvisations and choreography. Memphis Jookin has become internationally recognized through the work of New Ballet graduate Charles “Lil Buck” Riley. New Ballet teaching and performing artists have been fortunate to have learned from and been mentored by him. Sturdy sneakers are required.
This class meets on: Friday
View Class ScheduleFriday: 5:30 – 6:30 pm

Intro to Studio Technique (formerly Boys Technique)
Recommended ages: 6-8
This class for all young beginning dancers is designed for ages 6-8. Fundamental techniques are drawn from several styles and include free dance, ballet basics, and coordination exercises. Young dancers learn to be self-directed and creative. Classes may include modern dance, hip hop, and student led choreography as the direction of the class is led by student interest and passion.
This class meets on: Thursday
View Class ScheduleThursday: 4:00 – 4:45 pm

Fundamentals of Studio Technique
Recommended ages: 9-11
This co-ed class is designed for students who have the desire to obtain beginning skills in ballet alongside students of the same age, preparing dancers who desire to fast track into a Level 1 + dance class upon completion of the year.
This class meets on: Thursday
View Class ScheduleThursday: 5:45 – 7:00 pm

Studio Technique
Recommended ages: 12-18
This co-ed class is designed for students who have the desire to advance their skills and knowledge of dance in the beginning – intermediate level and wish to begin with a group of peers close in both age and experience. These students may aspire to fast track into a Level 3+ dance class upon completion of the year.
This class meets on: Tuesday
View Class ScheduleTuesday: 6:15 – 7:30 pm