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New Ballet to Receive $40,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts

Memphis, TN — New Ballet Ensemble and School has been approved for a $40,000 Grants for Arts Projects award, the largest round 2 award in Tennessee in this category, to support general operational costs. New Ballet Ensemble and School is among the more than 1,100 projects across America totaling nearly $27 million that were selected during this second round of Grants for Arts Projects fiscal year 2021 funding. 

“As the country and the arts sector begin to imagine returning to a post-pandemic world, the National Endowment for the Arts is proud to announce funding that will help arts organizations such as New Ballet Ensemble and School re-engage fully with partners and audiences,” said NEA Acting Chairman Ann Eilers. “Although the arts have sustained many during the pandemic, the chance to gather with one another and share arts experiences is its own necessity and pleasure.”

“New Ballet Ensemble and School is honored to receive this prestigious recognition from the NEA, whose support of our programming has bolstered our profound work in the Memphis community. During this unprecedented year, New Ballet has continued to provide equitable access to dance training, while maintaining 100% of our staff on full salary.

Over the years, support from the NEA has made it possible for us to provide free dance training in Shelby County Schools, live and virtual educational programming, and free tuition for scholarship students who are now part of our Teaching Artist Trainee program. We are humbled and grateful!” – Katie Smythe, Founding CEO and Artistic Director

For more information on the projects included in the Arts Endowment grant announcement, visit

Posted by Alena Thayer at May 27, 2021

New Ballet is open for classes Friday, Feb. 21.